Have your say on Jarrahdale’s heritage

Have your say on Jarrahdale’s heritage


The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is seeking public feedback on a new policy aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of Jarrahdale.

The policy is designed to protect and celebrate the town’s historic places, while guiding future development to maintain its unique character.

The policy looks to transition current design controls to a more updated format, which is clearer and easier for the community to use and integrate as part of future development proposals.

The shire has said it is very proud of the history of Jarrahdale, and sees this policy update as a way to connect development opportunities with the rich cultural and built heritage of the place.

“This is a great opportunity for the community to shape the future of Jarrahdale,” Shire President Rob Coales said.

“We want to ensure that the policy reflects the values and aspirations of our residents.”

All residents, but particularly those in Jarrahdale, are being encouraged to review the draft policy and provide input on the shire’s engagement portal: https://yoursaysj.sjshire.wa.gov.au/

Residents are also being invited to attend a special ‘Drop-In Session’ on Thursday, January 30 where they can meet shire officers and ask questions about the new policy.

There will be two sessions held on this date at the Bruno Gianatti Hall, between 9 and 11am, and between 4.30 and 6.30pm.