Help for parish pantry

Help for parish pantry

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale president John Erren presented St Aidan’s Anglican Church Reverend Lorna Green with funding to assist the Parish Pantry Project.

The Parish Pantry Project at St Aidan’s Anglican Church in Byford has been reinforced with supplies following a funding boost from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

Parishioners regularly donate non-perishable food items to the project, which helps provide emergency assistance to those in need throughout the community.

Any excess stock is forwarded to Crisis Care and the Armadale Anglican Parish.

The funding, which was provided through the shire’s community funding program, will help the church purchase items that are not normally donated to the project such as toiletries and perishables including fruit, vegetables and meat.

St Aidan’s Anglican Church Reverend Lorna Green said people often just needed a helping hand to get them through a week or so. “When people approach the church looking for emergency assistance with food, we give them a couple of bags of food,” she said.

“Having this grant from the shire will enable us to buy the sorts of goods that are not generally donated and to meet more demands as they arise.

“We’re very grateful to the shire for its support of this program.”
Items that were always in demand included long-life milk, breakfast cereal, canned food, pasta, rice, sugar, teabags, coffee and toiletries.

Groups can apply for funding of up to $1000.

Applications are now open for the 2016-17 round of grant funding.

To apply or for more information visit

For more information about the pantry project or to donate call 9525 0247.