‘I am passionate about addressing and dismantling systematic racism’

‘I am passionate about addressing and dismantling systematic racism’

Youth member for Southern River Mahliet Geb and Member for Southern River Terry Healy.

For a second consecutive year, a 20-year-old local student will be representing Southern River in this year’s Youth Parliament – a national program that encourages youth to take an active role in the community.

Mahliet Geb is completing a double degree in Economics and International Relations at Curtin University and said she was excited to have the opportunity to use her voice to strive for change.

“I wanted to be involved in Youth Parliament this year as I thoroughly enjoyed my experience last year, and I wanted to continue to speak on issues that impact other young people in the state,” she said.

“As an African woman, I am quite passionate about addressing and dismantling systemic racism, and I am eager to use my time in parliament to advocate for change.

“In a time where technology is so prevalent in our daily lives, I believe that it’s vital that the youth use it as a tool to express themselves on the issues that concern us and our communities.

“It is never too late to start advocating for what you believe in, especially when we can do it in the palm of our hands.”

Also, as part of her environmental committee, Ms Geb and her team will be presenting a bill to establish a commission that works to mitigate the effects of climate change in Western Australia.

“I am hoping to get to know more like-minded individuals and further my current understanding of the political system,” she said.

Member for Southern River Terry Healy donated some funds to support Ms Geb during her time in youth parliament.

“YMCA Youth Parliament is a national program that gives young people the chance to be heard in parliament,” he said.

“Mahliet is an inspiring young person from my electorate and I’m very happy to support her involvement with a donation towards her participation.”