Illegal dumpers have threatened Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale trails with their trash recently and residents were raising concerns of the damage it was doing.
The Jarrahdale Railway trail and a few hundred metres near Langford Park in Nettleton Road have been targeted.
Items including washing machines, televisions, old clothes, tables and chairs have been illegally dumped and Oakford resident Brian Williamson raised concerns about the cost of cleaning it and other sites up.
At the August 28 council meeting Mr Williamson asked council exactly how much the cost was.
Shire president John Erren said the shire did not maintain a separate general ledger account to record expenditure against illegal dumping clean up.
“We do however account for roadside litter control which undoubtedly would capture illegal dumping,” he said.
The cost of illegal dumping clean-up has increased in the past three years.
Shire records show in the financial year 2013-14 cost was $83,000 to clean up compared to 2016-17 which increased to $170,000.
Mr Erren said he suspected the escalation of illegal dumping was a result of increased competition and tighter margins in industries like building and construction.
“The shire is aware that illegal dumping of waste is an issue across the Perth Hills and more broadly across the state,” he said.
“The shire has recently adopted a local law requiring waste receptacles to be installed at all building sites to reduce the possibility of building and construction waste being blown into the environment.”
Mr Erren said the shire and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions were working together to reduce illegal dumping.
“The disgraceful behaviour of illegal dumpers will not be accosted and if those illegally dumping are identified they will be prosecuted to the fullest extend through the courts,” he said.
The fine for illegal dumping was $200.
Anyone with information on illegal dumping was encouraged to call 9526 1111 and report it.