Important visit on safer parking

Important visit on safer parking

Wirrabirra Primary School students Mya Truscett, Callum Kimbar, Indiana Tyrer and Ricco Anderson-Paul with Ranger Ron French (centre).

Although they were not old enough to drive yet students at Wirrabirra Primary School in Gosnells knew where it was safe to park a car near their school and where a park car might cause an accident.

City of Gosnells ranger Ron French visited the school on March 8 to speak with students and parents at the school’s assembly as part of the city’s Safer School Parking campaign.

School principal Steve Richards said the talk was an important part of reinforcing child safety messages.

“It’s about making sure the message is heard,” he said.

“The school, parents and community are all working together to ensure students are safe on their way to and from school.

“We want all our teachers and parents to model good behaviour to look after our kids and prevent accidents.”

Mr Richards said the school community were mostly helpful when it came to parking their cars but there would always be a need for reminders.

He also said the school regularly published parking tips such as arriving five minutes earlier or later in the school newsletter.

“When you walk across the oval to your car at the Richard Rushton car park you get quality time to talk with your children about their day,” he said.

“This is rather than trying to talk when you’re concentrating on driving.”

City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle said the city’s rangers were monitoring parking at schools to speak with motorists and issue infringements when necessary.

“Most people approached by our rangers about moving their cars understand,” she said.

“But there are a number of people who refuse to consider that where they park their car could cause a serious or even fatal accident.

“As part of the city’s Safer Parking campaign our rangers have reached out to schools to help spread the word about safe parking including offering school visits like at Wirrabirra Primary School.”

Drivers were reminded it was an offence to park on footpaths, residential verges or where roads had been marked with yellow lines.

Parking in these locations could block the view of other motorists, or force pedestrians to walk on or near the road risking an accident.