Injured birds found in Shelley, Riverton

Injured birds found in Shelley, Riverton

Local photographer Theresa Pitter captured this photo of a Darter with a piece of material, believed to be plastic, around its beak.

A couple of recent incidents have sparked renewed calls for those fishing in Shelley and Riverton to treat the environment with more respect.

Late last month, the team at WA Wildlife worked to rehabilitate a baby Black Swan.

The cygnet was found in Shelley with a fish hook through one of its legs, which had caused a “horrible” joint infection.

Due to the severity of its injuries, the swan was unable to walk properly.

“We see injuries like this every day…it’s absolutely devastating,” WA Wildlife manager Dean Huxley said.

“Our patients are brought to us from all over Western Australia.”

Earlier this year, local photographer Theresa Pitter captured photos of a Darter in distress at the Riverton Bridge.

The Darter was spotted with a piece of artificial material wrapped around its beak.

“I have been trying to find this bird again, but I haven’t had any luck…I just think it’s tragic,” Ms Pitter said.

Taking to social media, Ms Pitter expressed serious concerns for the Darter and for other animals like it in the area.

Ms Pitter is now calling for all fishermen to correctly dispose of any hooks, fishing line, or rubbish in their possession.