A Kelmscott property which can only be described as an eyesore has been the bane of nearby residents’ existence for the past three years.
Resident Lloyd Read-Brain first complained to the City of Armadale about the sight of a Clifton Street property in Kelmscott, back in April 2015.
He received no correspondence in return and now more than three years on and with the condition of the property still remaining the same, he came to The Examiner to demand answers.
Mr Read-Brain said the property, which is riddled with car parts, household rubbish and a rusty horse float, had been operating as a vehicle repair shop in the front yard in defiance of its residential zoning.
“My hope is that you will initiate action that will give publicity to this problem bringing pressure on city council to clean up industrial activity and the general eyesore the property has become,” he said.
Mayor Henry Zelones said the city had received complaints from a number of residents who had concerns about the property and they had been working with the owner of the property since 2014 to rectify the issues.
“The current state of the property at this point in time does not conform to the general appearance of other properties within Clifton Street,” he said.
“Under the Local Government Act 1995 the city has the power to issue the owner of a property notices to clean it up.
“However, there can be a number of complexities with regards to a property, legislation, funding, storage and actions required to be undertaken by the city and/or the owner to bring the property back to an acceptable standard.”
Mr Zelones said there was not always a quick solution due to the complexities involved.
He also said that the city had found no direct evidence to confirm that any vehicle repair operations were occurring on the property and that the work was currently being undertaken as a hobby.
“The city may be able to enforce legal action if a resident can provide substantial financial proof and significant new information which, in the city’s opinion, warrants additional action,” he said.