It’s a polocrosse sisterhood

It’s a polocrosse sisterhood

Tracey Jarratt competes at this year's Australian Nationals Polocrosse Championships.

Four sisters, who were all born and bred in Jarrahdale gave 110 per cent of their efforts in this year’s Australian Nationals Polocrosse Championships.

Known in the industry as the Lyster sisters Tracey Jarrett, Salli Galvin, Elizabeth Reid and Suzette Thomas competed against tough competition in the open women’s category last week but were unfortunately defeated.

Mrs Galvin said the sisters, who were joined by teammates Tia Hall, Marijka Thomas and Jodi Dunlop had learnt a lot from the experience.

“To play with your sisters at this level is a privilege and an honour and we would love to do it again if selected,” she said.

“We learnt that a few of our horses need to be faster and we also need to improve our decision making on the field when under pressure.”

The sisters will compete at the state championships in Kojonup later this month where Suzette and Elizabeth will represent their club South Midlands and Tracey and Salli will fight it out for their club Serpentine Foothills.

Mrs Galvin said she was looking forward to the opportunity to hopefully compete against her sisters this time around.

“The women’s competition at a national and state level is fierce and fast paced,” she said.

“It’s a brilliant competition and the ball skills and speed of the game have increased tremendously.”

The state championships will be held on October 20 and 21.