A real act of kindness

A real act of kindness

Peter and Nicole Casini with their dog, Stella. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

An Armadale couple enjoying a humble celebration was brought to tears by a stranger’s kindness, when the mystery man paid for their dinner before disappearing into the night.

Nicole Casini and her husband decided to commemorate their 11th wedding anniversary with a quiet dinner at their favourite local restaurant, inviting their daughter to join them at the last minute.

“My husband and I don’t go out often, he’s a disability pensioner and I’m his fulltime carer, so we don’t go out a lot, we can’t afford to,” Nicole said.

“But being our anniversary, we decided to make a night of it.

“We went to Cantina Bar & Grill and really enjoyed it, it was a lovely night, we always go there when we can.

“At the end of our meal my daughter got up to go and pay. I saw her chatting with the ladies at the counter but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

“My daughter came back to the table and said, ‘our dinner’s been paid for.’

“I said: ‘What?’ and she said: ‘another table came and paid for our dinner.’

“The waitress came over and told us it was a regular customer and he had decided to pay for our meal. She had tears in her eyes, I had tears in my eyes, it was lovely, we were blown away.”

Nicole said it goes to show that a small gesture can make a big difference, and that she intends to pay it forward.

“I’ve never had anything like this happen, I’ve heard about similar things and thought, ‘what a beautiful gesture,’” she said.

“I said to the ladies I’m going to put it on Facebook, and I said if they ever see him again, to please say thank you.

“We’re exceptionally grateful, and we’re going to pay it forward, I always try to do good things for other people.

“A lot of people are doing it hard, so if you see someone needing help, try to help them any way you can.

“Armadale gets such a bad rap, we need some positivity for our area, there are some absolutely beautiful people in our community.”