Federal Labor has committed to prioritising the roll out of fibre to the premises NBN to about 27,000 homes and businesses in Canning Vale, Gosnells, Huntingdale, Martin and Southern River if elected.
Shadow communications minister Jason Clare made the announcement this week and criticised the government’s NBN roll out.
“The cost of Malcolm Turnbull’s NBN has nearly doubled and the time it will take to build has more than doubled,” he said.
“While Australia waits for Malcolm Turnbull’s second rate NBN our nation has dropped from 30th to 60th in the world for internet speeds.”
The Coalition Government’s NBN model is fibre to the node, which uses fibre to a neighbourhood exchange before switching to the old copper network that runs to individual premises.
Labor’s model would see the copper network replaced with fibre directly to the premises.
Labor candidate for Burt Matt Keogh said delivery of the NBN roll out was long overdue.
“Local residents were promised they’d have NBN by 2016 but Malcolm Turnbull has left our community behind,” he said.