Larger-than-expected crowd attends opening of new fire station

Larger-than-expected crowd attends opening of new fire station

Cardup Firies Mike Liitiainen and Barry McDonald. A few of the 36 firefighters who make up the station’s new crew are local, with one lucky firefighter skiting that he can now walk to work.

Over 500 people got a sneak peek at the state’s newest career fire station in Cardup on Saturday.

Organisers were blown away by the community’s interest in the new $14.5 million station, with gophers sent out to secure some more snags and bread rolls for the sausage sizzle, and DFES Deputy Commissioner Melissa Pexton stepping up to the grill to feed the hungry masses.

DFES Deputy Commissioners Melissa Pexton and Craig Waters jump in to serve snags.

“Look, I’m here to serve in whatever capacity I’m needed,” she said. “I’m just thrilled at how many people have wanted to be part of this very important day.”

Station tours ran hot all day, with visitors particularly impressed by the living quarters.

Unlike a volunteer station, the Cardup station will be crewed 24/7 by six firefighters who are ready to spring into action and be out the door in under 90 seconds when the call comes through.

To support the crew, the station is equipped with an impressive gym. Machines are pre-loaded with exercise programs catering to the unique fitness and strength requirements of firefighters.

There are four ample-sized bathrooms and six sound-proof dorm rooms fitted with blackout blinds so firefighters can decompress and reset after a traumatic callout.

There’s also a fully kitted-out kitchen, living room, barbecue and meticulously manicured garden.

Project Manager Andy Heartcliffe said a lot of thought had gone into the ‘flow’ of the spaces to support a seamless transition out the door once a call comes through.

Some visiting firefighters admitted they had a touch of ‘station envy’ after seeing the Cardup crew’s new digs.

To rub it in even further, the Cardup crew has a particularly elaborate two-storey training tower outside to hone their skills in their down time.

Saturday’s visitors were treated to a demonstration of the crew’s training using the new tower and appliances.

The team who worked solidly behind the scenes last year to ‘get it built’ were equally dazzled by the new station, with one calling it “miraculous”.

“To have a building of this quality standing here now, after only eight months of construction, set amongst the current backdrop of trades shortages, it really is a miracle,” they said.

The weekend’s event was seen as the official handover with the first shift due to start this Saturday morning.

Photographs – Richard Polden.