Lawyer v lawyer in the battle for Burt

Lawyer v lawyer in the battle for Burt

Sean Ayres has announced he will be contesting the seat of Burt for the Liberal Party at the next federal election.

A lawyer and former Liberal staffer has put his hat in the ring to contest the Federal seat of Burt at the next election.

Sean Ayres, who works as a lawyer in litigation and across the commercial space, and a former staffer for Minister Ben Morton under the former Morrison Liberal government will step up to contest the seat, which currently covers much of the Cities of Armadale and Gosnells and part of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

The traditionally safe Labor seat saw a swing of 9.7 per cent to the incumbent Labor Member and Minister for Veterans Affairs Matt Keogh in 2022.

Mr Ayres said he was inspired to run for the seat due to the current cost-of-living crisis and other issues affecting everyday Australians.

“I am a first home buyer and I really want to make sure that Australians can get the best help they can to buy their first home,” Mr Ayres said.

“Another important issue is local infrastructure and people talk to me about the Nicholson Road overpass in Thornlie, which was funded in 2022 and it seems to have stalled. The government seems to think work will start soon but I don’t see that happening. I think people in these growing suburbs need this project to be prioritised because it has had delay after delay and it is an intersection that people talk to me about all the time.”

Mr Ayres said he has been watching the Albanese government’s progress closely.

“Cost of living and housing construction are the main issues that I think people are concerned about at the moment. I think immigration is also a major focus.

“If people look at where they are at the moment and from when the Morrison left office, this government has performed exceptionally poorly and no one can say they are better off under Anthony Albanese’s government.

“Businesses are hurting, insolvencies are up, which is a sign the cost of doing business is harder and harder and we have a government, instead of being focussed on the cost of living and doing business, they are adding costs to businesses that aren’t needed. They’re getting wrapped up in red and green tape which is making harder for businesses to employ people,” he said.

Minister for Veterans Affairs and current Member for Burt Matt Keogh.

In response to Mr Ayres criticism, the current Member for Burt Matt Keogh said these are issues his government is currently focussing on

“The Albanese Government’s number one priority is delivering cost of living relief to all Australians without adding to inflation – that’s why every taxpayer is now receiving a tax cut, we’ve increased rent assistance, and, here in WA, every household and small business will receive $700 off their energy bills thanks to both the WA and Federal Labor Governments,” Minister Keogh said.

“We’ve slashed student and apprenticeship debt, given low paid workers their third consecutive pay rise and people are saving money on their medicines.

“I understand the WA State Government will soon go to tender on preliminary works for the Nicholson Rd Garden St overpass in Thornlie.”