Letters to the editor | Thumbs up for cat laws, thumbs down...

Letters to the editor | Thumbs up for cat laws, thumbs down for gun laws and boom gate black spot


Band-aid solution

On Sunday the 12th of November Metronet and the Public Transport Authority held information sessions, one at Armadale train station.

The theme of the event was “bye bye boom gates”, but someone obviously forgot about the black spot labelled crossing north of Sherwood station, which is the only level crossing expected to be left south of Gosnells when the roller-coaster ride from Perth is complete. There is, of course, a simple and relatively cheap alternative, and that is to take advantage of the line closure from the 20th of November to create a cutting between Challis and Sherwood stations and have a simple bridge over the line where the current crossing is.

The right turn facility could then be reinstated at the Railway Avenue end because the two reasons for this junction being dangerous are people blocking the train lines, and the boom gates being down far too long with a resultant build-up of turning traffic.

What we now have penalises good drivers as well as bad ones because it’s a band-aid solution considering the symptoms, not the cause, of the problem.
Steven Secker
Social Justice Advocate

Cat restrictions

Well done City of Gosnells Council for voting in Cat restrictions.

Such restrictions are necessary if we are to save at least some of our birds, lizards frogs etc.

In Kenwick over the years, it was the norm to see a wide variety of birds in our Garden including Western Spinebills, Thornbills, Wrens, Owls and the list goes on.

Now days this list of birds is rather limited and those that are left are struggling to survive.

I am not putting all the blame on cats.

However, I believe cats do contribute to the demise in the number of birds.

Also, we have a great loss of mature trees due to development and climate change.

The traffic on roads has increased beyond belief this adds to Road Kill.

Night time roosting is restricted due to loss of habitat, density of housing and lighting, in some areas turning night into day.

All these things help make life more difficulty for our wildlife.

So, cat restrictions have been voted in by council, now let’s see if people and council are prepared to do the right thing to help protect our wildlife and maybe at the same time keep our furry companions safe.

R. Drummond,


Misguided aim

Let’s face it: Western Australia’s history with major reform legislation has been less than stellar, and the latest gun control proposals by the Western Australian government are no exception.

Time and again, these grand legislative schemes have backfired because those in charge aren’t simply listening—not now, and not in the past. And this isn’t just about the current government; it’s a long-standing issue.

The allure of quick wins through sweeping legislation is not the solution we need.

Realistic measures, not easy propaganda victories, are the answer.

The proposed gun laws will place an undue burden on the law-abiding majority, doing little to deter the criminal elements that operate with blatant disregard for any laws.

The truth is harsh but simple: criminals don’t walk into a store to buy a firearm; they don’t fill out paperwork.

They thrive in the gaps our systems leave wide open.

Remember the 1996 firearm buyback scheme?

It’s often touted as a measure that ended up boosting the black market and making the criminal underworld a lot of money.

Fast forward to today, and we’re on the cusp of repeating the same mistakes.

The current legislation will inevitably entangle the upstanding gun owners while the real culprits carry on with a thriving business.

Let’s be realistic: the police often know who the bad apples are.

They have the means to catch them, but the problem lies in the aftermath—the courts don’t always deal with them in a manner that deters future offenses.

We need to empower our law enforcement and judicial systems to take decisive action against those with criminal intent.

It’s high time we steer clear of blanket policies that merely look good in a press release but fail in execution.

We need precision in our laws, a scalpel instead of a hammer, to ensure that justice is served where it’s due, without casting a shadow over the average punter who respects the law.

So, to the policymakers, here’s the bottom line: focus on the real issue.

Tighten the leash on criminals, work on the enforcement of existing laws, and let the law-abiding gun owners of Western Australia live without the fear of being wrongfully targeted by legislation that’s supposed to protect them.

Glenn Dewhurst
