Local pets gets the snip

Local pets gets the snip

Armadale Community Animal Rescue Group volunteer Amanda Barbara with Buddy. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A total of 1000 cats and dogs in the local area have been desexed and microchipped for free thanks to a hard-working animal rescue group. 

Armadale Community Animal Rescue Group together with its charity op shop Snip and Chip have been providing the free service for pensioners, disability and concession cardholders since July 2017. 

President and business manager Christine Yurovich said the group realised they needed to provide the service when the number of cats and kittens that came into its rescues and shelters exceeded the number its volunteers could handle. 

“We noted that a lot were coming from people who couldn’t afford to get their animals desexed and microchipped and they were also the same people who didn’t have access to computers either because they didn’t understand the technology or could afford it,” she said. 

“We feel it has lessoned the burden of those that can least afford it to have their cat and dog brought into line with the Cat and Dog Act.

“Lost cats and dogs can now be given back to their owners thus saving both the owner and the pounds money and most importantly no unwanted litters of kittens being born.” 

Ms Yurovich said the group provides the service for people in Maddington, Piara Waters, Mundijong, Byford and Armadale and has agreements with many local veterinarians to undergo the procedure. 

For more information visit the Armadale Community Animal Rescue Group Facebook page, call the shelter on 9399 4906 or visit the op shops at unit 5 and 8, 2 Gillam Drive, Kelmscott.