Local students celebrate orchestra selection success

Local students celebrate orchestra selection success

Classic Sounds Orchestra Association members Josi Svendsen, Zac Skelton, Amy Skellern (front), Clare O'Callaghan, Gabby O'Callaghan and Mackenzie Thompson. Photograph – Richard Polden.

Six musically talented students from Kelmscott, Roleystone, Armadale and Byford have been given the chance to further their skills and knowledge in an orchestra environment. 

Mackenzie Thompson, Amy Skellern, Josi Svendsen, Zac Skelton and sisters Clare and Gabby O’Callaghan each auditioned for a spot in different streams of the Western Australian Youth Orchestra last month. 

The students, who all stem from the Classic Sounds Orchestra Association in Armadale, competed against more than 400 people for a spot in the Philharmonic and Sinfonietta orchestras in the New Year. 

Association founder and musical director Rachel John said she was extremely proud of each of the student’s achievements. 

“I am particularly proud because I know how amazing it feels to be a part of a huge orchestra,” she said. 

“This brings about a future that will be more enriched by musical experience, a desire to travel and explore music to a greater depth and we will possibly see more musicians taking up music as a career.” 

The Western Australian Youth Orchestra opportunity will give the students the chance to work with other musicians and play more difficult music across a broader genre. 

Ms John said the selections highlighted the importance of arts and culture, particularly in a region where more role models are needed to pave the way for their peers to find purposeful vocations. 

“I encourage more people of all ages to take up music and see how great their lives improve as a result,” she said.