Can you add a couple of cans of tinned food to your shopping trolley this week to help the disadvantaged in the community?
Not-for-profit organisation Crossways Kelmscott and Bank of Queensland Armadale branch have joined forces to ask the public to dig deep and donate to their can-a-thon fundraiser for the month of July.
All donations will be given to Crossways to distribute to those in need in the community.
Crossways Community Services administration assistant Darlene Barron said the organisation has seen an increase in requests for help since July last year.
“We can have between 25 to 30 families per week attend Crossways for emergency relief,” she said.
“We also have approximately 50 to 60 families that use the pantry each week.
“These sorts of fundraisers allow Crossways to provide more food to people who come in seeking emergency relief and also to provide food outside of office hours.”
Crossways also operates an op shop with low priced clothing, a community café with cheap meals, food vouchers and bill assistance and a low cost food centre for people who receive Centrelink benefits.
Bank of Queensland Armadale branch manager Jayson Brown said donations of cans and non-perishable food could be dropped off at the branch in the Armadale Central Shopping Centre until the end of July.
“Crossways provides a great service to the community,” he said.
“Sometimes those of us with great family support take it for granted.
“We really are lucky that we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from but for others this isn’t the case and the service that Crossways provides is necessary.”
For more information about the fundraiser call 9234 3900.