Locals honoured

Locals honoured

Nicole Myers at the Australia Day Breakfast event.

About 1000 people attended the Australia Day breakfast event at Shelley Foreshore where 40 new Australian citizens and their guests were welcomed in a citizenship ceremony.

At the ceremony awards were presented for the Community Citizen of the Year and Youth Community Citizen of the Year.

The Community Citizen of the Year Award was given to Mamta Kochhar, while the Young Community Citizen of the Year Award was given to Kiera Collier for her work in raising awareness and education on the medical condition endometriosis.

A Welcome to Country was performed by Sandra Harben. The Rotary Club event featured entertainment from the Canning City Brass Band, Acapello West, a bush band, Sri Lanka dance group and bush poetry. There were also activities for children, stalls and a display of vintage cars.