Locals upset by vandalism

Locals upset by vandalism

A photo taken by Ms Maclannan prior to cleaning.

Members of the community showed their local spirit after the ANZAC Memorial in Byford was vandalised this week.

Local mum Jacinta Maclannan was taking a walk with her daughters when she saw the ANZAC Memorial in Byford had been vandalised.

“I got off as much as I could with water and an old swaddle I had in my pram but it still looked terrible,” she said.

Ms Maclannan posted to a community group, which received a rapid response from residents and ratepayers of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

A member of the Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL then attempted to remove the graffiti with turpentine and a rag but could not get all of the paint off.

President of the Serpentine Jarrahdale RSL Rob Coales took the matter to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and the significant memorial was quickly cleaned.

“The memorial is there for everyone to reflect and to think about those who have served our country and those that have made the ultimate sacrifice,” he said.

“Whilst it is disappointing that a member of the public would do this, it’s reassuring to know that the community of Byford take pride in the memorial.

“It’s heart-warming to see the response, and peoples attempts to clean it shows the willingness of the community to work together and acknowledge those that have served.”
The shire has a number of ways to address graffiti vandalism within the shire, depending on whether the vandalism is on private or council property.

Anyone who finds graffiti on their property is encouraged to remove the graffiti as soon as possible, as the removal of graffiti helps defeat vandals as it diminishes the recognition reward achieved by the offenders.

Victims of vandalism should take a photo of the graffiti vandalism for personal and police records, and it also assists with lodging an insurance claim.

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale President Michelle Rich said the Shire is responsible for the removal of graffiti from infrastructure managed or owned by the council, such as the memorial.

“The Shire appreciates the efforts of community groups and members who go above and beyond to keep our Shire clean and tidy,” she said.

“We are committed to work in partnership with our community to ensure local parks, facilities and memorials are maintained to a standard that reflects the aspirations of the local community and are places we can all be proud of.”

To report damage to Council Property contact the shire’s Customer Service Team on 9526 111 or email info@sjshire.com.au.