Lynes re-elected as Mayor

Lynes re-elected as Mayor

Gosnells mayor Terresa Lynes with some of the recently-planted seedlings at Homestead Park in Thornlie.

Terresa Lynes was re-elected mayor of Gosnells in last week’s council election which recorded the highest voter turn-out on the city.

Ms Lynes’ vote was 16,519 ahead of Ken Ashwin’s vote of 6429. She will hold the position for four years.

Mr Ashwin, Adam Hort, Ye (Emma) Zhang, Aaron Adams, Diane Lloyd, Saiful Islam, and Glenn Dewhurst were elected as councillors.

Kylie Dalton was elected as the first candidate to backfill and Balli SIngh the second candidate to backfill.

This year, the City recorded its highest voter turnout, with more than 30% of electors returning their ballot papers.

The new council met on Tuesday, electing Cr Hort as Deputy Mayor.

Ms Lynes congratulated the new and returning Councillors.

“It is always wonderful to have fresh perspectives brought to council and I look forward to working with each of our councillors and community members to continue making the City of Gosnells a great place,” she said.

“I want to thank the community for voting at this year’s City of Gosnells election and encourage all residents and ratepayers to stay engaged and keep in touch with what is happening at council through our website, social media, live-streamed council meetings or by speaking with me or the councillors.”