The City of Gosnells has backflipped on public consultation over a local structure plan amendment for Maddington Homestead, opening the consultation up to the wider public.
As revealed by Examiner Newspapers last week, Maddington Homestead owners Golden Group lodged the amendment to remove the heritage designation, provide a special use zone over the heritage listed buildings and rezone the land closest to Burslem Drive as Residential R30.
The public consultation on this proposed change was limited to residents who had received letters from the city containing a reference number, effectively limiting the number of residents who could comment, despite widespread interest in the restoration of the historic homestead.
However, on July 21, the city changed the consultation process, allowing residents to use the reference number 9 to complete the survey.
City chief executive Ian Cowie said the city sent 314 consultation letters to owners and occupiers in the area.
“The consultation for the proposed amendment to the Structure Plan was in accordance with council’s Local Planning Policy on public consultation,” he said.
“This requires amendments to Local Structure Plans to be referred to landowners within the Structure Plan area plus landowners within a 150m radius of the site.
“Details of the Structure Plan amendment and plans were then made available on the city’s website.
“The city reviewed the standard wording used on the website, which asked for a reference number to be used to make a submission, and decided to change the wording to also allow people who did not receive a letter to make a submission.”
Mr Cowie also said the proposed structure plan amendment, if approved, would not diminish the heritage classification of the site.
“The applicant asked to substitute the Heritage designation with a Special Use Zone.
“This would allow for a residential subdivision in the area between the Homestead and Burslem Drive.
“The proposed Special Use zone is intended to prescribe the specific uses that may be considered for the Heritage Place.
“The Maddington Homestead is listed on the State Heritage Register, Council’s Heritage Survey and Council’s Town Planning Scheme No.6 Heritage List, and this is not proposed to change.”
It is expected the matter will be presented to council in September.
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