Maisie’s our new queen

Maisie’s our new queen

Mount Richon’s Maisie Close has proved third time really is a charm, winning the crown after three years of hard slog. Photographs - JB Media and Cameron MacKinnon Photography

Nine-year-old Maisie Close has always been a queen, but now she has the crown to prove it.

For several months now – ever since she was selected as a national finalist in the pre-teen category of the 2025 Premier Elite pageant – Maisie has dreamed hers would be the name called out by the judges.

She’d put in the work: raised much-needed funds for the Australian Koala Foundation to help save her favourite animal; been a welcome presence as a Legacy Princess at the annual Jingle in July luncheon with the Governor; perfected her portrait sketching for the talent component of the pageant; scoured the op shops with her mum to create a wardrobe of stunning ensembles for her night in the limelight.

Maisie went out on a limb for her talent, doing a quick two-and-a-half-minute sketch of a lucky member of the audience.

But although her confidence has exploded since she first took to the stage three years ago, there was still a sliver of doubt coursing through her.

Perhaps that’s because Maisie, from Mount Richon, is also unapologetically herself in everything she does – no mould can contain her unique personality.

She’s positively effervescent as she shows me her “sportswear” ensemble for the competition – a quidditch uniform from the Harry Potter universe, complete with a broom and golden snitch.

And for the ‘myths, legends and fairy tales’-themed Op Shop fashion category, Maisie went as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, complete with a leprechaun diving into the pot balanced atop her head.

So, when the moment of truth came, and Maisie stood clutching her friend’s hand waiting with bated breath for the judge’s decision, she was expecting to put on a brave face as runner-up.

“Everyone deserved to win, but I was expecting it to be my friend Zara,” she said.

“Obviously I was still holding out a little hope it would be me though, and I had my fingers crossed on my other hand whispering ‘please let it be me, please let it be me’.”

Proving dreams really do come true, on Saturday January 11, Maisie was named Junior Miss Premier Elite 2025.

“I was ugly crying,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it. It was the best night ever.”

Her mum, Hayley Parker, admits to a spot of ugly crying too.

“I’m so proud of her. You wouldn’t believe it if you saw her three years ago when she first started doing pageants. She was this shy little thing, who needed someone to hold her hand on stage,” she said.

“In fact, one of the judges came up to me and said they couldn’t believe the growth they’d seen in her.

“That’s why we started this – to build her confidence. This world can be brutal, and I want to arm my girls with everything they need to thrive.”

After being crowned Ms Premier Elite in 2022, Maisie’s mum Hayley Parker knows firsthand how empowering and confidence-boosting the world of Miss pageantry can be.

Maisie has been confidently wearing her crown since it was placed on her head, including to the doctor’s office.

And this weekend she’ll have her official headshots taken and she’ll receive her contract and schedule of appearances at community events for her year-long reign as Australia’s Junior Miss Premier Elite 2025.

Slay, queen!