Man’s best friend is on the mend

Man’s best friend is on the mend

Nigel Colbran with his beloved kelpie cross Roxy. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A Byford resident is extremely thankful for the efforts of a local veterinarian who helped not only him but also his beloved pooch in their time of need. 

Nigel Colbran took his five and a half year old kelpie cross Roxy to Dr Belinda Beynon at Serpentine Vet late last year after she broke both her cruciate ligaments in her left rear leg. 

Mr Colbran said Roxy was in a lot of pain and couldn’t walk and it was a case of déjà vu as it was an injury she experienced just 10 months earlier in her right leg. 

“I went to Dr Belinda Beynon and she did a lot of x-rays on the leg, consultations and organised special food for her,” he said. 

Dr Beynon soon discovered that Roxy would need advanced orthopaedic surgery, however the surgery could not be done at the Serpentine-based clinic. 

Roxy was then referred to a clinic in Safety Bay who performed the life-changing procedure, which included putting an implant in her leg and changing the angle of her knee. 

Dr Beynon said although she had made the diagnosis of what treatment Roxy needed and she had done the work and legitimately earned the money, she offered to refund the price of the x-rays her clinic had done, as she knew the other surgeon would want to do them again to confirm for themself. 

“I knew Nigel was doing it a bit tough financially so I wanted to give him the money back that he had spent on the x-rays he did at Serpentine Vet basically so that he didn’t have to pay twice,” she said. 

“He refused the offer but I know that it meant a lot to him. 

“He just wanted to give Roxy the best chance of good mobility going forward.”

Mr Colbran said Roxy is now on the mend and they are both counting down the days to when they can be back on the beach enjoying life together once again. 

He described Dr Beynon’s actions as extremely compassionate considering her own financial circumstances that he only found out about several months later after reading the Examiner Newspapers’ article about her GoFundMe account to raise money to save her business from foreclosure from the bank. 

“She is so compassionate about her work; it’s not a monetary thing,” he said.

“It’s more about caring for the animals genuinely, which I don’t think you would find in a lot of people nowadays just for the pure love of keeping your animal alive. 

“To me that is the best person you want working with your animals.”