Massive book sale will help Save the Children

Massive book sale will help Save the Children

South Of River Branch Save the Children Australia correspondence secretary Dorothy Brook, president Sue Gardiner and vice president Barbara Gunther prepare for the sale. Photograph — Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Thousands of books will go on sale on Saturday as the South Of River Branch of Save the Children Australia bounces back from a devastating flood that destroyed 80,000 books last year.

WA community fundraising manager Sonia Holmes said volunteers had been busy getting all the books ready for the book garage sale.

“Our sales are renowned for the quality of the books and the reasonable prices as we don’t overprice them,” she said.

“Even though we are going clean lines in our homes and people are not holding onto books as much any more, we do get a lot of new releases so they are still buying them.

“People can buy them this year and donate them next year.

“It would be interesting to put a tag on one of them and see where it goes and how much it becomes worth.”

Ms Holmes said it was heartbreaking last year when a year’s worth of donations were destroyed by a flood just before the sale.

She said Save the Children supported programs in Gosnells, Armadale, Kununurra and overseas in emergency situations such as in Syria.

Ms Holmes hoped the sale would raise at least $5000.

Politicians from across Perth including in the cities of Canning, Gosnell and Armadale are drop off points for the books.

Donations can still be made right up until the last minute.

The book garage sale will be held on May 7 from 9am to 3pm at Unit 8, 18 Milford Street, East Victoria Park.
CDs, DVDs, LPs and sheet music will be on sale at bargain prices.

Call 9267 3925.