Michael’s lasting gesture for his nana

Michael’s lasting gesture for his nana

Thornlie resident Michael Hall grew his mullet for about two years and decided to donate it in support of people with blood cancer.

How would you feel if you had to shave off your beloved mullet?

That’s exactly what Thornlie Senior High School student Michael Hall did recently when he participated in the World’s Greatest Shave and thanks to help from his family, friends and work colleagues’ generosity, he managed to raise $5353.

Michael felt inspired to participate in the name of his nana, Kathy Bennett, who was recently diagnosed with a form of Leukaemia.

Ms Bennett has two types of Myeloproliferative neoplasm which occurs when the body makes too many white or red blood cells, or platelets.

Despite the bad news for the family, Michael said he wanted to make his nana
proud and said he felt great knowing his mullet was going to someone that needed it more.

Thornlie resident Michael Hall without his beloved mullet.

For about two years Michael grew and trimmed his mullet every month and on March 13, Michael had an emotional but gratifying goodbye.

“I wanted to give families like ours who are facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need, whilst also helping fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life,” he said.

“I loved my mullet and I know some people hated it, but I thought I rocked it and thought why not shave it off but also donate my hair to be made into a wig too.

“Nana was proud and very emotional and couldn’t believe how much money we raised for this amazing cause.”