Councillors call for more scrutiny of CEO, shire president activities

Councillors call for more scrutiny of CEO, shire president activities

Source - Depositphotos.

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale presidents and chief executives will be placed under greater scrutiny after councillors voted to introduce a policy requiring they report their activities.

Councillor Barry Urban moved two separate motions introducing the policies at the ordinary council meeting on July 25.

The policies would require both the president and chief executive to report to council the events and meetings they attend, who they meet with, the subject of the meeting and what the outcome was.

This would extend to conferences and professional training.

The chief executive would also be required to report any leave to the council.

Mr Urban said the policies were designed to encourage more transparency.

He said in the past the council had not been made aware of former chief executives’ activities and movements and there had been little communication.

Councillor Jacquie See said while she did not disagree with some of the motion regarding chief executives she disagreed with the level of reporting required, which she said was micro-managing.

“He has enough to do and we take up enough of his time already,” she said.

Mr Urban disagreed it was micro-managing and said reporting would not include his day to day activities.

“It’s the big strategic stuff and when he goes to meet a minister that we want to know about,” he said.

“A lot of councils do this already – Mandurah does this.”

Both motions were carried with five in favour and four against.