More time for Clifton Street submissions

More time for Clifton Street submissions

The proposed structure plan will see higher density along the Canning River.

The City of Armadale has granted an extension of the public submission period on the Clifton Street south structure plan to January 18 following a high level public interest in the proposal.

The city received a major backlash from Kelmscott hills residents in December upset at the proposal to increase density of the area along the Canning River to a mixture residential R40, R60 and R80.

The public submissions period was set to close on December 21 but Armadale mayor Henry Zelones said because of the public interest they wrote to the WA Planning Commission to extend it.

“The city wrote to the WAPC requesting the WAPC’s approval to extend the advertising timeframe of the structure plan,” he said.

“Schedule two of the planning and development (local planning schemes) regulations 2015 (regulations) limits the advertising period of structure plans to 14 to 28 days, unless otherwise approved by the WAPC.

“In this regard the city does not have the power to advertise the structure plan for any lesser or greater period of time unless it has the WAPC’s approval.

“The city informed the WAPC of the high level of public interest, proximity to the Christmas/New Year holiday period and the volume of requests for additional time.

“The WAPC agreed to extend the advertising timeframe for an additional 28 days, closing on Monday 18 January 2016.”

Opponents of the structure plan have raised concerns with high density development in a low density area, traffic and any future development’s impact on the river.

To view the plan and lodge a submission visit