Morgan Park redevelopment set for next year

Morgan Park redevelopment set for next year

The current pavilion is nearing the end of its usable life

It’s been a long time coming, but the City of Armadale has confirmed that Morgan Park’s makeover is planned for next year.

The biggest plank of the projected $3.77 million redevelopment is a brand new 750-square-metre pavilion.

The building will include a community hall space, a dedicated club room area with a separate kiosk, four junior change rooms, and toilets.

The new pavilion will be moved to the northern end of the Seville Grove space, where the long jump pits currently are, and beside the playground.

The new pavilion will sit about here, in place of the current long jump pits.

It is hoped the relocation will deter the occasional anti-social behaviour that occurs at the current pavilion in Ironcap Place – an idea which was reportedly supported by the community and the sporting groups who use the park.

The new building will also overlook the playing fields.

A new carpark will be built beside the pavilion with access from Tomah Rd.

A total of $716,500 has been set aside in this year’s council budget for the build, with a further $809,000 secured in grant funding.

The playing fields will be reconfigured to include three full-sized pitches, and a smaller field. The athletics track will remain in situ, but the long jump pits and other field events will be moved to the southern and western edges.

New lights will also be installed as part of the project.

A further $564,700 has been allocated from the current budget for the lighting and reticulation works, with another $160,000 in grant funding helping to pave the way.

Plans have also been mooted to convert the space where the existing pavilion is located into a dog exercise area.

The Morgan Park Master Plan was endorsed by council in July 2016.

The City of Armadale’s 2017 Community Hubs and Master Planning Initiative identified a list of 11 ageing sporting facilities around the area which needed an upgrade.

Morgan Park was given a priority rating of 1, based on need, availability of funding, whether it was multi-purposeful, and fit-for-purpose.

But as it was still a generally functioning space, the project was given a long-term future start date of 15 years+, aligning with the end of the pavilion’s useful life.

Currently detailed designs are being drawn up for the project, and the City of Armadale has said they will be finalised by March next year.

If all goes well, and contractors are secured, construction should start in late 2024, and be completed by late 2025.

“The development will result is some level of closures particularly in the summer months while the reserve works will occur.

A staggered approach will be taken to alleviate as much impact on the local players with access and temporary parking arrangements under investigation,” CoA officers said.

Interest from the public has generated questions about the current playground.

One local suggested a playground upgrade that also accommodated toddlers and incorporated soft fall matting, slides and swings would be an asset for the Seville Grove community.

But the City of Armadale has said that a “playground replacement doesn’t fall under the scope for this project”.

Any improvements to the playground space would need to come after the redevelopment works.