A local playgroup operates every day with mould inside the cupboards and on the ceiling as well as holes and sharp wire sticking out on exterior fencing despite numerous calls for help to fix the shire-owned asset.
Jarrahdale Playgroup operates out of a small Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale building on Munro Street and has done so for at least 21 years.
President Anzie Rose said the group has raised more than $4900 to replace the mouldy kitchen however the organisation could not apply for grants as it was considered an improvement to a shire property.
“We have asked about applying for the shire community grants considering our long term rental and the fact the money is destined for their building anyway and have always been refused due to us being an unincorporated not-for- profit group,” she said.
“In the 2018 rates notice the shire had allocated $44,000 to remove asbestos from the playgroup building.
“When no asbestos was found the playgroup and several community parties lodged a joint request that the remaining money be used to address the problems we had been facing.
“This was denied as the money had to be returned to the pot to be redistributed.
“Considering the money had already been allocated to address one health concern it was deeply disappointing that they couldn’t redirect it to remove another in the same building.”

Ms Rose said members of the group had recently met with the shire about the health implications of the mould in the kitchen but the result of the meeting was far from satisfactory.
“Rather than suggesting how we might work together to improve the building it was highlighted to us how the building was more trouble than it’s worth and that for that reason it was far down the list of priorities,” she said.
“The tone of the meeting from the start was one of condemnation with no solutions or ideas brought to the table by the representative.”
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale had previously fixed the building’s other issues such as its leaky and blocked toilets, dangerous heaters and dangerous steps.