MP’s Canberra speech a ‘thank you’ to locals

MP’s Canberra speech a ‘thank you’ to locals


With Perth’s south-east having been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, one local politician has taken to Federal Parliament to thank those who have pulled together despite having to stay apart. 

During a speech in Canberra last Thursday, Member for Burt Matt Keogh took the opportunity to thank healthcare staff, teachers and aged care workers, those working at Centrelink, charities, the RSLs and all three levels of government in his electorate for their unwavering support during the crisis. 

Despite less than 40 coronavirus cases recorded within his electorate, Mr Keogh said the community had been hit hard by the crisis – something demonstrated by the lengthy queues at the local Centrelink that he said remain etched in his memory. 

Despite this, Mr Keogh said his community had demonstrated kindness, patience and resilience and that he was eager to put that on the ‘national record’. 

“Never has it been more important for a community to pull together while staying apart,” he said.

“To the staff at Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital, one of WA’s main COVID testing clinics, I say thank you. 

“Thank you to those that have gone out of your way to look after someone in need in our community.

“To the volunteers who have spent countless hours on the phone to people who were isolated just to make sure they were doing OK – thank you. 

“To the charities that have been making sure that everyone has food to eat, clothes to wear and a roof over their head – thank you. 

“To our local Examiner Newspaper, which has focused on the best of what this crisis has brought out in our community, not the worst, thank you.”

Mr Keogh said it had been wonderful to see the community organisations pull together.