MPs ride against domestic violence

MPs ride against domestic violence

Minister for Health Roger Cook (left) and Member for Armadale Dr Tony Buti will take part in the Ride Against Domestic Violence next weekend.

Member for Armadale Dr Tony Buti and Minister for Health Roger Cook will be taking part in the 2017 Ride Against Domestic Violence fundraiser next week.

Dr Buti and Mr Cook will begin the 300-kilometre ride from Busselton on May 26 and finish at McCallum Park in Victoria Park on May 27.

The group will consist of Perth businesspeople, lawyers and union officials.

The riders will stop at Armadale on Sunday and Dr Buti said he wanted members of the community to get involved in the second half of the ride.

“Armadale residents are invited to mingle with the riders and support crew when they stop for a break in Armadale,” he said.

“Please come to the sausage sizzle and show your support for this very worthy cause.

“I am hoping residents from the area will turn out and show what a big-hearted, caring community we are.”

The break and sausage sizzle will be held at Memorial Park on Jull Street between 10am and 11am.

All profits from the ride will go to five women’s refuges to help women and children who have escaped domestic violence.

It was the second time Dr Buti would participate in the fundraiser and he said domestic violence was an ongoing crisis.

“Two women a week are killed by an intimate partner in Australia. In Western Australia 156 women have died from domestic violence in the past decade.”

Donations to the ride could be made at