Music events canned to make way for Australia Day in SJ

Music events canned to make way for Australia Day in SJ

The City of Armadale’s Australia Day festival usually draws people in from all over Perth – but not in 2025.

With the City of Armadale’s beloved annual Australia Day festivities going down the gurgler next January, due to the Byford Rail Extension works, the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has jumped on the opportunity to fill the gaping hole with its own evening event.

The family friendly event will be held at Briggs Park in Byford and will feature live music, food trucks and a range of activities.

The customary Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony will be shifted to an afternoon time slot so that attendees can join in the community event afterwards.

To pay for the expanded Australia Day event, the shire will repurpose $25,000 in funds from the proposed February Music Events planned to be hosted in different communities around the shire.

Those music events will, unfortunately, be canned.

But to make sure that the major summer events in the shire are shared around the community, officers suggested the Summer Splash event be moved from Byford to somewhere like Clem Kentish Reserve in Serpentine.

Shire President Rob Coales brought the motion to the table at Monday’s council meeting, and it was approved unanimously.