Nationals in mental health push

Nationals in mental health push

The Nationals WA’s Morgan Byas and Shane Love in Byford.

Morgan Byas, the Nationals WA candidate for Darling Range, has been announced as the party’s spokesperson for mental health.

Mr Byas is a psychologist and dedicated advocate for better mental health outcomes who believes neglect by the state government has left communities like Darling Range struggling to access critical services.

“For eight years, Roger Cook and Labor have ignored the growing mental health crisis in WA. Services are overstretched, waitlists are growing, and families in regional and outer metropolitan communities, like Darling Range, are being left behind,” he said.

A quick scan of the Mental Health Commission service finder shows a black hole in available services for mental health in the SJ Shire, with the closest ones in Armadale, Medina and Rockingham.

The East Metropolitan Health Service has said the Byford Health Hub will house mental health services, but it could be another two years until the hub is open.

Mr Byas expressed his gratitude to Nationals WA Leader Shane Love for the new appointment and for his commitment to addressing the state’s mental health crisis.

“I’m incredibly proud to take on this responsibility. Mental health isn’t just another issue; it’s a portfolio in crisis which touches every family, including here in Darling Range,” he said.

“The Nationals WA are taking the Darling Range campaign very seriously. While some may dismiss us as the third-place contender, we’re here to prove them wrong. This isn’t just about running a campaign, it’s about winning Darling Range and delivering the leadership and change our community desperately needs. We’re not here to play; we’re here to win.”