New Canning Vale sports complex gets $12.5M boost

New Canning Vale sports complex gets $12.5M boost

WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam with WA Liberal candidate for Jandakot Nicole Robins and Tangney candidate Howard Ong, alongside staff players from Canning Vale Football and Canning Vale Cricket Clubs, at the WA Liberals' funding commitment of $12.5M for a new Canning Vale Sports Complex.

In a strategic election move, the WA Liberals have made a $12.5 million funding commitment to build a new Canning Vale Sports Complex.

The new facility would support the area’s growing sports community, providing new clubrooms, change rooms, and sporting fields for 74 local teams, made up of 1,225 members across seven clubs, according to the Liberals.

At the weekend, the WA Labor Party also announced that a re-elected Cook Labor Government would invest $186 million towards a range of sporting infrastructure projects.

This includes an additional $2.5 million to be added to the $10 million already committed for the Canning Vale Regional Sports Complex, equalling the Liberals’ commitment.

Nicole Robins, the WA Liberal candidate for Jandakot, acknowledged the efforts of the Canning Vale community and local sporting groups in advocating for improved facilities for both the community and local clubs.

“For too long our local community have put up with sub-par facilities at Clifton Reserve, this new facility is long overdue,” she said.

“These facilities mean that more local children will be able to play community sport, especially young girls who have long lacked the facilities to be able to enjoy local community sport.”

WA Liberal candidate for Jandakot, Nicole Robins, speaking with a player from the Canning Vale Junior Football Club.

On behalf of the club, Stewart Johnston, President of the Canning Vale Senior Football Club, welcomed the decision, describing it as timely.

“Currently the Football Club operates out of a shed, which does not provide the necessary storage and changeroom capacities required by the Club,” he said.

“This new facility means we can have clubrooms and two ovals, which will allow our club to grow our membership, allowing all teams to be together on training and game days.”

Canning Vale Cricket Club, President Brendan Fowler also expressed his support for the announcement.

“Our members have, for years now, had to play home games at different grounds, these new facilities mean we can have a home of our own for our members and community to enjoy and take pride in,” he said.

$2.5 million has already been committed by the City of Canning to support the development of a new Canning sports complex.

The facility would also include three natural turf fields, lighting, cricket nets, new clubrooms and change rooms, storage facilities, a carpark, and a new roundabout for easier access to the site.

WA Labor’s candidate for Jandakot, Stephen Pratt.

Speaking to The Examiner newspaper, Stephen Pratt, WA Labor Candidate for Jandakot, noted that the WA Labor Party has already undertaken extensive work for a new sports precinct in Canning, and he has been speaking regularly with local stakeholders to advocate for this project.

“Planning Minister John Carey has approved the necessary metropolitan scheme amendments submitted by the City of Canning. They came into effect in November last year,” he said.

“This is a complex project, so I applaud the City of Canning’s efforts to refine their initial proposed project to properly assess and ensure the project accommodates the protection of the environment for our community.”

“The Liberals are playing catch up again by finally supporting this project.”