New concept estate celebrates 50 years

New concept estate celebrates 50 years

Taylor Smirk and Rachel Sullvain celebrating 50 years of the Crestwood Estate.

Crestwood Estate was one of the first estates in Western Australia to have underground power in 1970.

This month Crestwood celebrated 50 years of the estate to commemorate all those years of community engagement and their unique way of living.

Crestwood comes under the City of Gosnells and was designed as a total living concept where vehicular traffic is separated from recreational areas and pedestrian traffic.

On February 8 more than 300 adults and children attended the celebrations at Princeton Court in Thornlie.

Some of the highlights included an opening ceremony by The Mini Pipe Band who walked while playing pipe music.

There was also face painting, cupcake sales, a reptile stall and live performers on site.

Crestwood resident Helen Bullock said the program was a success and people were happy to celebrate another good year at the estate.

“We felt the program went really well children enjoyed the activities and adults were able to relax and enjoy some of the entertainment including a harp music performance,” she said.