New MP gains portfolio

New MP gains portfolio

Member for Darling Range Alyssa Hayden at Parliament on Tuesday. Photograph — Richard Polden.

Nearly two months on from the by-election, residents in the Darling Range electorate have a new representative in Parliament.

Alyssa Hayden was officially sworn into Parliament this week as the Member for Darling Range and also Shadow Minister for Community Services, Youth, Seniors and Ageing and Volunteering.

Talking to The Examiner this week Mrs Hayden said she was very excited to not only represent the Darling Range electorate but also the portfolios at a state-wide level.

In her speech to Parliament she said she made it “damn clear” that she would be continuing her message she took to the campaign earlier this year.

“The by-election was won simply on the disappointment that the voters had of the McGowan Government and I needed that message to be heard loud and clear at Parliament,” she said.

“I have to stay true to what I campaigned on and will be focussing on lowering the price of household bills such as water, power and car registrations.”

Tuesday’s Parliament appearance was not a first for Mrs Hayden as she was previously elected as a Member for the East Metropolitan Region, representing the electorate for eight years.

The return to State Parliament was a highlight for Mrs Hayden who said she was concerned that her previous position might have been the end of her political contributions.

“It is even better to be able to come back to the legislative assembly and to represent the people of Darling Range who rightly deserve a member that will stand up for them and the issues that matter to them the most,” she said.

“I have received an amazingly warm welcome from the community who are delighted that they have a state member after all this time that they can come and talk to.”

Mrs Hayden said the main concerns that had come across her desk were issues surrounding local road networks, lack of public transport, a significant rise in council rates and lack of long-term planning for the Serpentine Jarrahdale region.

She said her diary was jam-packed with meetings over the next couple of months including a community barbecue to be held this Sunday in Byford.