Newly elected councillor has a key focus for Bannister Ward

Newly elected councillor has a key focus for Bannister Ward

New Bannister Ward councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo.

Bannister Ward has officially welcomed new councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo.

Playgrounds, community safety, mental health programs, environment and conservation are some of the key areas that Ms Spencer-Teo wants to focus on during her time in council.

Ms Spencer-Teo has been actively working within the local community for several years now and she felt the need to expand her work to the wider community.

After having attended a couple of agenda briefings and ordinary council meetings before, Ms Spencer-Teo said she is ready for the new role.

“I was pleased to be part of the decision making process for the Shelley West residents who will be getting underground power, and also the Draft Play Provision Strategy which will see playgrounds across the entire city receive some very much needed upgrades,” she said.

“I am not interested in politics and I have no desire to enter into state or federal politics.

“I am 100 per cent community focused and I will work my hardest to ensure the people are represented with honesty and integrity.”

Apart from being a councillor Ms SpencerTeo is also a grant writer and donates her services to not-for-profit community groups that need help with funding opportunities for various projects and initiatives.