Night games at the ready

Night games at the ready

Member for Burt Matt Keogh is in goal while members of the Gosnells City Football Club look on.

Night games were set to become reality for Gosnells City Football Club after it successfully applied for a Burt Stronger Communities Program grant.

Member for Burt Matt Keogh presented the club with an $11,698 grant earlier this month.

The funds will be used to upgrade floodlights at the Walter Padbury Reserve in Thornlie allowing the club to host night games.

Gosnells City president Garry Nickisson said it was fantastic news.

“We are very happy,” he said.

“The club has over 500 members and this grant will move the club forward and the wider community.”

Mr Nickisson thanked the City of Gosnells for the initial funding and he also thanked Mr Keogh for the grant.

Mr Keogh said he was delighted to have helped the club reach its goals.

“I look forward to attending a night game next season and watching locals play the world game,” he said.

Many club members have also credited Gosnells City deputy president Ossie Pereira for being the driving force behind the acquisition of the grant.

Club member Ann McGeown said the whole community would benefit from the upgrades.

Another member Mary Selby called Mr Pereira a star.

Mr Pereira said by hosting night games the club expected more children and families to come down to Walter Padbury and participate in soccer and support the teams.