No funding for major Canning projects

No funding for major Canning projects


The City of Canning will have to search for new funding sources for its two priority projects following an unsuccessful federal funding bid.

The city applied to round three of the National Stronger Regions Fund earlier this year to get funding support of $9.6 million for the Canning city centre revitalisation and $8.7 million for the Jandakot link road.

Earlier this month Minister for Regional Development Fiona Nash announced the funding winners but neither of Canning’s projects made the list.

Canning mayor Paul Ng said the city was disappointed.

“The Canning city centre has been identified by the WA State Government as a strategic regional centre and the NSRF funding initiative was developed to facilitate the implementation of regionally significant projects,” he said.

“It is therefore difficult to understand why the Federal Government has not provided support for this project.

“The city has invested substantial resources and planning for the activation and development of the Canning city centre.

“It has been estimated the Canning city centre, when fully developed, will contribute $1.7 billion in gross value to the Canning business area.

“This is a significant return on investment relative to the requested funding of $9.6 million.

“While this funding decision is disappointing the City of Canning is determined to secure funding to realise this significant project.”

Mr Ng said the city would request a meeting with Ms Nash and Federal Member for Swan Steve Irons.

He said the Jandakot link road was an important regional infrastructure project.

“The project is critical in connecting the road network to a number of important items of infrastructure including the Jandakot Airport, the future waste disposal site and the proposed future Canning Vale regional sporting complex,” he said.