More than 1000 people toured the facilities and tried out their skills on the fire hose at the City of Gosnells Emergency Services Open Day last weekend.
Held at the new Gosnells Emergency Operations Centre, residents had the opportunity to chat to volunteer, local government and state government services, including St John Ambulance, Salvation Army Emergency Services, South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL), Gosnells State Emergency Service and Gosnells Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.
City of Gosnells emergency operations officer and chief bush fire control officer Rodney Wallington said the event was a huge success.
“Most people came along to see the new centre and many kids climbed the scouts rock wall and had a go on the hose,” he said.
The RAC Rescue helicopter was also there giving residents a four-minute 36-degree virtual reality experience of really what happens during a rescue.
RAC sponsorship manager Carina McBurnie said the RAC Rescue Experience covers the entire mission, from taking flight through to attending the scene of a car crash and then transferring the patient to hospital.
“It’s a real insight into the incredible work the crews do on board the RAC Rescue helicopters and on the ground every day,” she said.