Outgoing president honoured

Outgoing president honoured

Jan Star AM thanks outgoing shire president Michelle Rich for her leading SJ out of “the dark ages”.

Outgoing president for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Michelle Rich was formally honoured for her many years of service at Monday’s council meeting.

Former shire president and environment champion Jan Star AM presented Ms Rich with tokens of the shire’s gratitude and spoke of her accomplishments during her tenure.

“I have been asked to acknowledge Michelle Rich’s contribution to the shire, and thank you for that opportunity. This I was glad to do as my faith in the SJ council was gradually restored after Michelle Rich took over as president, following a period I called the ‘dark ages’.” Ms Star said.

“Michelle worked hard to re-establish the Shire’s reputation in the local government world and with regional bodies. A reputation that I hope will continue to be upheld.”

In reply, a very emotional Michelle Rich described her time as president as “an absolute honour”.

“But this was always a team effort. Our community has worked exceptionally hard together to get to where we are today,” she said.

She noted the work that had gone into the new local planning scheme, and the “leaps and bounds” the shire had made in technological and communications advancements.

She also highlighted the “2000 percent increase” to the shire’s capital works fund since the first budget she oversaw six years ago.

Ms Rich took her time to address each shire officer in attendance and thanked them for the special qualities they had each brought to the job.

Through tears, Ms Rich drew to a close her time on council.

“Serpentine Jarrahdale is and will continue to be my home, and I will continue to serve my community in other ways.”