Outrage at damage to one of Mundijong’s parks

Outrage at damage to one of Mundijong’s parks

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Linear Park surface was significantly damaged earlier this year.

Hooning activity at one of Mundijong’s parks has cost the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale about $20,000 to repair. 

A vehicle, possibly a four-wheel drive, performed doughnuts at Linear Park in October causing damage to recently laid turf and reticulation systems. 

Shire president Michelle Rich described the damage as ‘reckless and senseless vandalism’. 

“New turf and reticulation was laid at the park just over seven weeks ago to transform it into a green public space,” she said. 

“Thanks to the actions of these hoons the shire has had to replace much of that turf and make repairs to the reticulation. 

“The cost is significant and it is something the community shouldn’t have to put up with.” 

The new turf was re-laid by shire staff last month. 

Anyone with information was asked to call Mundijong Police on 9526 5111.