Owners show off adopted fur friends

Owners show off adopted fur friends

Claire Truman at the puppy treats stall. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

About 100 people came in for a day dedicated to furry friends to help to raise funds for the Animal Protection Society (APS) in Southern River.

Some of the highlights of the event included stalls with pet supplies, books, a professional dog behaviourist, dog treats, a professional pet groomer, a cuddle booth to smooch your favourite woofer, a dog wash, raffles and more.

APS vice president Clare Mills said the event was a complete success and saw many people bringing their APS adopted dogs and cats.

“It’s nice to see them settled in a family and feel love,” she said.

A substantial amount of money was raised to assist the residents cats and dogs at APS and Ms Mills said she was grateful for everyone who gave up their day to help.

“Around 50 dogs attended with their families, with many being dogs brought along for show and tell after finding their forever home,” she said.

“There was a lot of interest in our resident dogs and cats from people who would like to give some a home and this is still ongoing, but there were people who were interested in volunteering which was great as more volunteers mean more help and love for our fur babies.”