Parish pantry lends a hand

Parish pantry lends a hand

Anglican Parish of Serpentine Jarrahdale Reverend Lorna Green hopes to receive plenty of food donations. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen

Non-perishable goods such as canned fruit and vegetables, long life milk, pasta and cereals will be accepted with open arms to replenish stocks in the parish pantry.

The Anglican Parish of Serpentine Jarrahdale and the Uniting Church Crisis Care are putting the call out for donations to help make much needed food parcels while the Byford Baptist Church was in need of donations to help with its free food market on Thursdays for people struggling.

Reverend Lorna Green said the church could accept non-perishable food donations that had a long use-by date and gift card or cash donations to allow the organisation to buy produce for food parcels.

“There are many reasons why people find themselves so desperate they ask for food assistance including problems or delays with Centrelink, loss of job, family break up, unexpected expenses such as car or fridge breakdown or illness,” she said.

“Many people live close to the edge financially and easily fall over into hardship.

“Providing groceries may free up a little money for a family to put towards paying a bill, helping out until they are back on their feet.”

Reverend Green said donations such as canned meat, tuna and salmon, pasta sauce in jars, instant coffee and teabags, cooking oil, toiletries and feminine hygiene products were all greatly appreciated.

All donations must be within its use-by date and can be donated on Sundays at the church or through Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School collection drive currently in classrooms and at reception.