Party on for Harmony Week

Party on for Harmony Week

Chinese lion dancers will perform at Harmony Week celebrations

The Australian Arab Association will celebrate Harmony Week with an open event in Huntingdale this month.

Association president Salim Youssef said the evening will feature stalls from a number of different cultures including Mexican and Moroccan as well as rides and family entertainment.

“We’ll also have performances throughout the night, which will include traditional Greek dances, Chinese Lion dances, a pipe band and traditional dances from Indonesia,” he said.

Mr Youssef said the event and Harmony Week were a good way to showcase the different cultures that existed in Australia, while also fostering good relationships between them.

“There are about 70 different cultural identities living in the City of Gosnells alone,” he said.

“These are people who live ordinary lives like everyone else and they go to work and school but at home they still have their culture and their customs.”

Harmony Week is held every year as a way for all West Australians to celebrate multiculturalism and cultural diversity while encouraging inclusiveness as well as respect for other cultures.

The week culminates each year with the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The AAA will celebrate the week on March 18 from 5pm to 11pm at Huntingdale Community Hall in Holmes Street, Huntingdale.

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