Party politics aplenty but no sign of Byford line yet

Party politics aplenty but no sign of Byford line yet

Member for Burt Matt Keogh, Federal ALP leader Bill Shorten, WA premier Mark McGowan, Federal ALP candidate for Canning Mellisa Teede, transport minister Rita Saffioti, member for east metropolitan region Matthew Swinbourn and minister for Armadale Toby Buti listen to questions about the train line extension to Byford.

Residents within the Serpentine Jarrahdale region could be blessed with a train line and a station in Byford should the Federal Opposition be voted in at the next election.

Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten made the $240 million funding announcement last week alongside fellow Labor staff, saying the extension was crucial for the families of Byford and the surrounding communities.

Member for Canning Andrew Hastie said he too had been rallying in Canberra for the past two years to get better public infrastructure in the Peel region.

“I’m hopeful that next month’s federal budget will contain good news for projects like this in Serpentine Jarrahdale but unlike Labor I’m not going to announce anything until the money is secured,” he said.

“Labor promised the Byford rail extension in the 2015 by-election, the 2016 Federal election and the 2017 state election and now they’re promising it for 2019. You can understand why I’m not holding my breath.”

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale president Michelle Rich welcomed the Labor government pledge and said the shire would continue to advocate the importance of local transport projects.

“Byford and indeed the entire of shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is growing rapidly and reliable access to public transport is key to meeting the needs of residents now