Plaque thefts anger Gosnells council

Plaque thefts anger Gosnells council

The Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery has faced numerous issues stemming from anti-social behaviour.

Kenwick residents and City of Gosnells staff are seeking to protect one of Perth’s many historically significant sites.

The city is in the midst of researching alternative materials to replace 12 plaques stolen from the Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery.

The cemetery is heritage listed; therefore, the city must abide by strict conditions regarding any major changes.

City of Gosnells chief executive Ian Cowie hopes the changes will prevent the plaques from being stolen yet again.

“The memorial plaques are historically significant to the City of Gosnells community, as they provide an important record of people who were laid to rest on the site since the 1800s,” he said.

“One option under consideration is a durable plastic, which can be designed to look and feel similar to the historic bronze plaques.

“The plaques will be replaced, once the investigation into suitable alternatives is finalised.”

The cost of replacing the stolen plaques is yet to be determined.

Those interested in helping the city have been urged to visit or call (08) 9397 3000.