Plastic and recycle, fantastic ideas

Plastic and recycle, fantastic ideas

Jaxon James, Chloe Sorenson, Mia Snellin, Hannah Muncey

During National Science Week, Huntingdale Primary School kindy and year six students focused on recycling and reusing plastic materials to create ocean themed sculptures.

Students collaborated to create art sculptures of their choice based around this year’s ‘Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans’ theme.

It took several weeks for the 25 classes to complete the recycled plastic sculptures, which were made using bottle tops, bags, milk bottles and other recycling materials.

Science Learning area coordinator Natalie Birrell said students learnt about sustainability in the oceans.

“Plastic is everywhere, on and under our land in landfill and so much ends up in our oceans and water ways, having a devastating impact on our marine animals,” she said.

“Everyone can make a difference together, especially if we remember the four R’s.

“Reduce the amount plastic we use, Reuse things where we can, Recycle as much as possible, Rethink, think about what you are doing and what changes you can make.”

Some of this year’s highlights included The Wave sculpture created by year six students, which took three weeks to create.

According to the school, the Whale Asks, Why sculpture wowed everyone as year six students created an interactive piece for all to participate.

“Fencing wire was structured to create the carcass of a whale,” said Ms Birrell.

“A discarded blind creates the chest area of the wale and blue tarpaulin completes the underside of the whale.

“The carcass is raised up on top of a recycled clothes stand.

“Whale ribs, constructed from recycled polystyrene board, rise above the structure. “Intestines (plastic bags) full of plastic junk hang within the carcass.

“Ocean currents and various marine life fl oat beneath and around the whale carcass.”

However, the students went ever further with their design, and messages about different whales and the impact of little in marine animals were inserted in each bottle.