PM’s hot $6m for ballpark

PM’s hot $6m for ballpark

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with members of the Perth Heat at Baseball Park in Thornlie this week. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has pledged $6 million to expand Thornlie’s Baseball Park into a premier sporting and events facility if re-elected on July 2.

Mr Turnbull made the announcement during a visit to the park this week alongside Member for Hasluck Ken Wyatt and Liberal candidate for Burt Matt O’Sullivan.

The upgrades would see Baseball Park fitted out with new seating with increased capacity, grassed terraces and lighting.

There would also be new amenities and corporate facilities.

The improved facilities were expected to accommodate baseball’s increasing popularity in Western Australia and the growing numbers of fans and patrons who use the venue for sport and community functions.

The upgrades were also expected to provide valuable services to the growing community and surrounds with the district being home to more than 2100 registered players and volunteers.

The government hoped the upgrades would support economic growth and create new local jobs in recreation and sport.

It is a project Mr Wyatt had previously committed to despite Thornlie moving from his electorate into the newly created seat of Burt following a recent electoral boundary change.

Last week he said a new stadium in Thornlie represented an opportunity for the City of Gosnells to be home to what could become an iconic baseball park in WA.

Baseball Park is home to the Perth Heat.