Popular weed workshop on again

Popular weed workshop on again

Previous workshops have seen over 150 weed samples brought in for ID and discussion.

The Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group’s (PHBG) popular weed ID and advice workshop is on again, and will be held in Mundijong at the Community Recreation Centre next Thursday (Sep 28).

The PHBG will welcome back weed experts Greg Keighery and Andrew Mitchell as workshop hosts.

Attendees are encouraged to bring along samples of plants for identification and discussion. Previous workshops have seen over 150 samples brought in.

The workshop is suitable for community members, land managers, local government officers and those who work in natural resource management.

All attendees will receive a copy of the perfect companion to weed ID and control in the form of the Southern Weeds and their Control booklet.

Correct identification of weeds is the first step in effective control and this take-home resource describes both physical and chemical control options.

The event is also an opportunity to learn about the six priority declared weeds in the Peel Harvey Region, and what programs are underway to control these on private property in conjunction with landholders.

Equipment is available for loan at no cost to support landholders with the control of declared weeds.

The event will run from 10am to 4pm. Bookings are essential and there is no cost to attend. Registrations are now open at www.PHBG.org, and for further information please email field@phbg.org or call 0409 079 156.