Potholes plague Shire

Potholes plague Shire

Serpentine Jarrahdale shire president Michelle Rich inspects the damaged roadside in Byford. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Recent heavy rainfall has disrupted some road surfaces within the Serpentine Jarrahdale region, particularly the high traffic area near the entrances of the Byford Village Shopping Centre.

Many residents took to social media to report damage including stories of damage to their vehicles, disruption and unsafe road behaviour as motorists manoeuvre around the many holes in the roads surface.

Shire President Michelle Rich said the repairs to the potholes near the entrances of Coles and Woolworths supermarkets would be prioritised by the shire to allow unimpeded access to the shopping centre and to minimise traffic disruption.

She said temporary patching work had already been completed on smaller potholes near Woolworths, however more permanent work would be undertaken by a specialist contractor next week.

“Unfortunately, rainfall does occasionally cause potholes and we just need to be on the front foot when it comes to identifying and fixing those which disrupt traffic,” she said.

“This particular stretch of road is already undergoing a significant upgrade. However, this issue required immediate attention and we were not prepared to delay repairs.”

Byford resident Ramone Glasgow said the road surface along Abernethy Road was a joke with the shire doing quick fix jobs that ended up in ruins after the next heavy rainfall.

“The entrances to Coles, KFC and the 7/11 service station are really bad as well,” she said.

“The road looks like it is eroding away and you have to dodge a drop off before you turn into KFC or 7/11.

“With Woolworths opening, this road is going to be a death trap and I hope it doesn’t take a serious accident for something to get done.”

Ms Rich said shire maintenance crews kept a constant lookout for potholes, but public assistance was vital.

Report potholes to the shire on 9526 1111.